Title: Self-care and caring: Bringing it together in nursing
Title: A look back at diploma schools of nursing: A look back at our history
Title: Embracing medical robots in today’s highly interconnected world
Title: The impact of AI and immersive technologies on nursing futures
Title: Exploring the healthcare professionals’ experiences with patient's death
Title: African immigrants women and pregnancy-related death at high increase
Title: Improving access to continuous glucose monitoring for patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care
Title: Telephone reminders to improve medication adherence in a community mental health clinic
Title: Improving depression identification and treatment using PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 screening tools
Title: Implementation of I-PASS handoff tool on a psychiatric inpatient unit
Title: Policy guidance for mental health support for federal healthcare disaster responders
Title: Promoting the use of “ask suicide screening questions” in a pediatric neurobehavioral unit
Title: Implementing positive support behavior plans on an adult inpatient psychiatric unit
Title: From missed to managed: Turning postpartum hemorrhage monitoring into proactive care
Title: Implementation of a mindfulness and yoga program for aged care staff: Successes and challenges
Title: User centre design to develop an exercise-based lung cancer self-management platform
Title: 2025 – 8 billion people; 11.5 million prisoners; Who cares?
Title: 2025 – 8 billion people; 11.5 million prisoners; Who cares?
Title: Transforming employee health (death) to occupational Health
Title: Testimonies among the elderly at Balay Taripato in Cabugao, Ilocos sur
Title: Cost-saving and manpower efficiency on disposable vs reusable cystoscopes: A systematic review
Title: Study of midwives’ perceptions of stress during the COVID-19 pandemic
Title: Factors related to excellence in the nursing practices of nurses working in hospitals in Japan
Title: Influence of time management behaviors of shift leader nurses on their shift leadership behaviors
Title: Evaluation of the use of KEDUSIA-RSM app based on android by family caregiver in the community
Title: Screening nurses’ anxiety during covid-19 pandemic in Tertiary Hospital, Bandung-Indonesia
Title: The prospective study of Coca-Cola’s clinical effects on gastric phytobezoars
Title: Evaluation of the quality of Chinese guidelines and expert consensuses on nursing published in 2024
Title: Application of immersive orthopedic surgery cooperation workshops in operating rooms
Title: A qualitative study on cognitive load of Chinese nurses attending epilepsy specialist nurse training
Title: Stroke risk perception among high-risk population: A latent profile analysis
Title: Research on the current status of pension models for individuals with mental disorders in China
Title: Latent profile analysis of dyadic mental health literacy among stroke patients and their caregivers
Title: Interventions to enhance nurse job satisfaction and retention: A Systematic review
Title: Development and validation of the Nurses? International Mobility Scale (NIMS)
Title: Nursing model for patients with dysphagia in parkinson's disease
Title: Integration of artificial intelligence in midwifery care: A systematic review
Title: The transformative journey, impact and future vision of a nurse scholars academy
Title: Obesity screening and prevention in a primary care setting
Title: High Reliability Organization (HRO) in the inpatient setting
Title: A meta-analysis of nursing staff's attitude towards family nursing and its influencing factors
Title: Empowering families through nurses for diabetic foot care at home
Title: Communication in healthcare- Why digital innovation is not enough